Cache – You can copy the required files and cache back and forth to the Bluestacks emulator which you can not perform with the original app.Apart from this, you can even change the IMEI number of your device and change it’s serial number and make it completely untraceable. Banner and IMEI – With the tweaker you can delete the debug banner in the flutter on the emulator.Also, you can take compressed back up of your device at ease.

Storage – With this patch you can increase the internal storage and storage of your SD card up to certain limit.Also, you can change your Android ID, Google Advertisement IDs and even device model as per your requirement. With Bluestacks tweaker you can change or restore these IDs with just one click.

After downloading open the zip file and right click on the.Click on the above given button to download the file.Download Now Steps to Download Bluestacks Tweaker: